
I’ve always enjoyed connecting with people.

This desire led me to dabble and be curious with just about anything so that I would have an infinite source of conversation starters.

It helped me in my role as a Sales Executive, and on a personal level, it helped me meet interesting people.

I am passionate about basketball, food, politics, and relationships, which I enjoy discussing over drinks as well as writing through my personal blog or as commissioned work.

For over a decade, I have written for various print and online publications while building my career in the manufacturing industry.

Topics that I have written about range from sports, politics, lifestyle, current events, and history, but I am never one to back down from new topics to discuss.

As a Philosophy degree holder, I take pride in producing content based on facts obtained through research, interviews, or personal experience.

Now a full-time housedad, I spend most of my time memorizing the names of Thomas the Train and his friends, dancing to Cocomelon, giving personalities to stuffed toys and toy vehicles, reading stories to my growing boy and improving my cooking skills.

Strawberry-Filled Donuts

One of our Philosophy professors said that if we philosophers were to be likened to a type of bread, we were donuts; the hole or the void is what defines us. I guess it’s true, if there was no hole, it wouldn’t be called a donut, hence the need for a hole to call a bread a donut. However, I don’t want to be a “void” that defines the existence of a “donut.” I want to be a donut that is filled. I want to be a strawberry-filled donut. It tastes nice.

It inspired me to create Strawberry-Filled Donuts, my personal blog. Multiply was my first platform, before I moved it to Blogspot, and should now have a place in my own website.


I love food! From eating to enjoy it and eating to figure out how to cook it, it’s a joy of life that keeps giving. 

I write about food I tried, and I’m looking to write what I cook soon!


Seeker Of Answers

I ask a lot of questions, some random and other that have been lingering in my mind forever. 

I try to write some realizations to these questions in hopes of creating discussions with friends who may have the same experience. 


Conversation Starter

I don’t like the feeling of being left out, so I always try my best to create connections with people who are new to my circle. 

I have a variety of interests, but I’m always curious about what other people enjoy. 

In my blog, you would see my thoughts on basketball or something I’m passionate about all to try and spark healthy debates with anyone. 


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Check out my blogs and let’s talk! 


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